Roos C of E Primary School

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Main Street, Roos, East Yorkshire HU12 0HB

01964 670535

Roos C of E Primary School

Together we care, learn and shine

Together we care, learn and shine - Let Your Light Shine - Matthew 5:16

  1. Parents' Area
  2. Homework




All children are encouraged to read widely and on a regular basis at home. Children have a reading record book where comments can be added by both parents/carers and school.


From year 1 onwards children are given spellings each Friday which link to their learning in school. Children are tested on these spellings the following Friday.

From year 3 onwards children are given spellings on a half termly basis and spellings are tested each week on a Friday.  Some spellings from previous weeks are also retested on a Friday in the spellings test.

Spellings link to the National Curriculum.  Spelling guidance can be seen in the spelling appendix of the curriculum. To view this appendix click here


Other homework is sent home to support the children as and when appropriate.